<aside> 💡 This page gives a high level summary of the basics and FAQs


🧐 Overview

If you’re here we assume you’re looking for a super-simple FAQ about Alluo. If you want to read a bit more, try the basics about Alluo, our follow one of the links below about the mobile and web apps.

<aside> 💻 Find out more about the webapp


<aside> 📱 Find out more about the mobile app



👀  What is Alluo?

Alluo is an easy-to-use mobile app that lets users earn great yields on the funds they deposits in Alluo.

Funds in Alluo can only be accessed by you - we don’t have access to your funds nor does anyone else.

👮 Is Alluo regulated?

No, Alluo is not regulated.

This means that Alluo is not a bank account and the funds in Alluo are not insured by the FDIC, FSCS, or any other government fund.

This also means that no government agency has access to the funds you hold in Alluo - only you can access them.

🙋  How do I get started?

For mobile users - simply download the Alluo app on the Apple store or Google Playstore, to get started.

Once you have downloaded the app, it should take you less than 2 minutes to create an account and start earning!

More advanced users can connect their crypto wallet to our web app at app.alluo.com.